Saturday, October 9, 2010

Week 9 Reading Guides

2. 18 Reading Guide to John Donne Lyrics
Due before class on October 11. Five points.

1. Donne's love poetry often uses words and images taken from religion. Find three words in stanza 2 of "The Flea" (p. 1263) which refer to religion.

2. What is the rhyme scheme of each stanza of "The Flea"?

3. Whom is the male speaker of "The Good-Morrow" (pp. 1263-64) addressing in the poem?

4. Why is morning an appropriate time for this poem? In what sense are the speaker and the person addressed "waking" (line 8)?

5. List the verbs in stanza 1 of "Song" (p. 1264). What is the word for the grammatical form of these present tense verbs? (They are c o __ __ a __ __ s, in the imperative voice.)

6.. What do all the proposed activities listed in stanza 1 of "Song" have in common?

7. The word "fair" in line 18 means "beautiful." If the person addressed in the poem should find a woman who is both "true" and "fair," what does the speaker say will happen between (a) the time he writes the news and (b) the speaker arrives to meet her.

8. The second poem entitled "Song" is on page 1269, and concerns a male speaker saying goodbye to his wife or lover before going on a necessary journey. In what sense are journeys "feigned deaths"?

9. How does the speaker compare his journey to that of the sun, in order to comfort his wife?

10. In "The Bait" (p. 1274), what person is compared to a fish? Who or what is the bait?
We completed two worksheets on Volpone in class this week. There were no reading guides on Volpone.

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